HD 189733b

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a planet to rain glass? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a planet with extreme winds? That planet is called HD 189733b, discovered in 2005.

HD 189733b is 65 light-years away from Earth. The planet takes 2.2 days to complete one orbit around its star named HD 189733. This planet is a gas giant surprisingly bigger than Jupiter. The planet is a spiral blue not because of its oceans but because of its atmosphere. In its atmosphere, there are clouds filled with glass. This glass forms from the side of the planet facing the sun, which is hot enough to vaporize silicates and at the side of the planet that is facing away from the sun, it gets cold enough to rain glass. This planet rains glass sideways at wind speeds of 4,500 mph. The wind blows so fast that it causes spirals. Another crazy fact that surprises me is that the temperature reaches to about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. You can conclude that the weather is deadly.

Overall HD 189733b is a very interesting planet. Even with the technology we have right now we can’t really collect much information about this planet. Add to that the speed of light is the fastest thing we have observed in the universe and to reach HD 189733b it will take about 65 light-years. If we can do that we could have a clear visual of what it is like on the planet HD 189733b. There is still a lot to know about the planet HD 189733b.


